
Dear Friends!
We are glad to inform you that the first stage of the residential complex "Cherry Orchard" became the recognized winner of the competition "The best completed project in the construction field" in the nomination "Construction of flat buildings of enhanced comfort".
We are proud of the achievements of our Colleagues, congratulate them on their well-deserved victory and wish new and interesting projects

A group of private investors, united by a common goal of preserving the historical heritage and development of Moscow, began creating an identity and concept the landscaping of the quarter in the historical center of Moscow, on Ivanovskaya Gorka, with Art. Lebedev Studio. We are talking about the project within the borders of Kolpachny and Khokhlovsky lanes, which includes the complex of buildings and territory located between buildings 7-9 on Khokhlovsky lane and Kolpachny lane 9a, near the Kitay-Gorod metro station.
The territory is a unique part of the old Moscow development, which requires a reverent attitude to the historical context, the intra-block urban planning structure, and the architecture of historical and cultural heritage monuments located within its borders. The Studio under the direction of Artemy Lebedev has a big experience of working with urban spaces both in Moscow and in other cities of Russia. It has extensive experience in transforming territories and projects located in historical areas of cities, creating their identity, urban design, and an environment that is comfortable both for residents of the district itself and for guests who come to spend their free time and get acquainted with historical sights.
Citation by Artemy Lebedev: «For me, this project is not only professional interest, but also personally, since I live in this area. The transformation of the area, creating a unique landscaped territory with its own history and identity, will create a cozy and comfortable quarter in the center of Moscow, both for residents of the district and for guests who come to walk in the Ivanovskaya Gorka district».
The project to restore the historic appearance of the Ivanovskaya Gorka involve the scientific restoration of monuments of architecture, such as Palata D'yaka Ukraintceva, Jurgenson's archive and music printing factory, Jurgenson's and Knopa's town mansions, and also the regeneration of the school building-institute of international labor movement and the preservation of the iconic trees of the Danilovskaya alleyka.

LLC «FINPROEKT» became the general designer of an office complex, located at the address Kolpachny pereulok, 9A.
In May 2020 AB Development announced the launch of a new project in the historical center of Moscow at Kolpachny pereulok, 9A to transformation the existing project into a modern public and business space. LLC «FINPROEKT» became the general designer of the building.
The project is located in the Central Administrative district of Moscow, within walking distance from the metro station "Kitay-Gorod", in the quarter formed by Kolpachny and Khokhlovsky lanes. The five-storied building was built in 1939 with a total surface area of 4,439, 8 square meters.
The idea of the project involves the renovation of an existing non-residential building into a public and business space with a total surface area of 7,190 square meters for the placement of office space with underground two-level parking at 53 car places.
Project team:
AB Development-developer,
Ginzburg Architects - architecture and design,
LLC «FINPROEKT» - general designer.

The designed Building is located in the Central Administrative District of Moscow, within walking distance of the metro "Kitay-gorod" in the block formed by Kolpachny and Khochlovsky alleys.
Project team: AB Development, Architectural workshop "Ginsburg and Architects" - famous dynasty Ginsburg, Prime Property Management - renting space.
Alexey Blanin, CEO and founder of AB Development: "We are glad to announce the start of our new project, which needs to be transformed with the preservation of cultural values in their aesthetic and historical importance and physical integrity for modern and future generations. The project provides for careful regeneration with preservation of the environment and integration into the historical architecture. We expect to open the whole territory of the public, organize hiking routes to Khochlovsky Lane with preservation of the atmosphere of Ivanovsky Hill - one of the oldest districts of Moscow, located in the heart of the capital surrounded by historical streets of the city. "
The 5-storey building on the Kolpachny 9А was built in 1939 with a total ground area of 4,439.8 sq.m. The project provides for the renewal of the existing non-residential facility to the Public and Business Building with a total ground area of 7,190 sq.m. for the placement of office space with underground 2-level parking on 53 m/m.
Alexey Ginsburg, partner of the architectural office Ginsburg and Architects: "As part of the regeneration project, we implement a comprehensive approach to working with historical territories. The current requirements for buildings should be combined with the preservation of the identity of urban space. Modern inclusions in traditional architecture allow combining the building, which meets the requirements of today, with the surrounding historical development. Gently adaptation of contextual architecture to new functional requirements will allow to harmoniously developing the center of Moscow. "
Kotsyuba Yaroslav, CEO of Prime Property Management: "The uniqueness of the Kolpachny 9A project lies in its integration into the historical development of the center of Moscow. In the development of the project, architects paid special attention to the historical context of the territory, careful attitude to the environment and atmosphere of the area. Prime Property Management will lease space at this facility. Clearly, the Kolpacny 9A will arouse interest among large corporate users; International legal and consulting companies. It can also be considered by large corporations and financial organizations to house its headquarters. "
Additional information
AB Development - is a professional development company. For 10 years, we have been successfully working in the real estate markets of Moscow and St. Petersburg, and are rightly considered one of the leaders in the segments of first-class office and elite residential real estate. Since its founding, the company has implemented 11 large-scale development projects with a total budget of $1 billion and 8 finishing management projects with a total budget of more than $120 million. Today in the office of the company, work 100 employees, professionals of the business.
The Architectural workshop "Ginsburg and Architects" was founded by V.M.Ginzburg and A.V.Ginzburg in 1995 for the purpose of restoration and restoration of the monument of constructivism "House of Narkomfin," created on the project of M.J.Ginzburg in 1928-1930. During the years of work on the projects "Ginsburg and Architects" implemented several of various objects.
Prime Property Management - is a company providing comprehensive commercial real estate management services. The company was created in 2016 by a team of industry experts with many years of experience of successful joint work in the commercial real estate market of Moscow. The portfolio of objects managed by Prime Property Management has about - 200,000 sq.m., office and multifunctional complexes of different formats, the main of which are the business center "Citidel," business park "Factoria," business center "Square."
A separate direction is the investment activity of the company, which is carried out by Prime Invest division.

ARCUS III meets a new tenant Yamaha Motors!
Yamaha Motor strives to realize peoples' dreams with ingenuity and passion, and to always be a company people look to for the next exciting product or concept that provides exceptional value and deep satisfaction.
We say welcome to our home and wish to a new tenant every success in business to achieve desired results!
The International Day of Energy Saving was celebrated throughout the world in mid-November.
The main aim of the event is to draw attention of general public to the problem of rational resource management, and to show how each company can contribute to the conservation of natural resources.
AB Development held an action "ARCUS III GREEN BUILDING DAY", within the framework of the event.
It covered such issues as "green" construction and features of the certification of buildings according to the international environmental standard BREEAM.
The name of the action was not chosen by chance, since Business Center ARCUS III is an excellent example of the implementation of an environmentally successful and energy-efficient project built according to all the canons of "green" construction. Getting BREEAM, as the most authoritative environmental certificate in the world, with high rating “Very Good” is a clear confirmation of this!

AB Development is pleased to inform you that the preliminary demolition works of ARCUS I business center, during the construction of the premium class office project ARCUS IV, are finished.
It is important to note that not a single tree suffered from the works, since AB Development pays much attention to the city’s environment and ecology.
All the trees are planned to be saved and some of them transplanted to another territory during the construction.

Dear Colleagues, Partners and Friends!
September 19, 2018 in the modern park "Khodynskoe pole" was an event dedicated to the start of construction of a new office project of premium class ARCUS IV.
During the event the guests got acquainted with the iconic city park "Khodynskoe pole", made a walk on the open air and bike trip on ARCUS bike in the park, tasted delicious Spanish paella and drinks, and asked the questions of interest to the project and marketing team of AB Development.

В ARCUS III завершен проект переезда одной из крупнейших фармацевтических компаний GlaxoSmithKline.
Более 3 300 кв.м. офисного пространства, спроектированного в соответствии с лучшими мировыми стандартами строительства и зеленых технологий, позволят сотрудникам компании эффективно, а главное комфортно осуществлять трудовую деятельность в течение долгих лет.
Проект ARCUS bike, спортивный зал и многочисленные парковые зоны вокруг здания помогут привнести в ежедневный офисный ритм активные занятия спортом, которые так ценятся современными международными компаниями.
Рады приветствовать нашего нового арендатора и желаем успешного развития бизнеса!

В Москве официально стартовал новый велосезон 2018 года
и AB Development с удовольствием предлагает присоединиться к нему в рамках проекта ARCUS BIKE !!!
Теперь Арендаторы Бизнес-центра ARCUS смогут совершить велопрогулку на новом, легком, стильном, спортивном ARCUS BIKE абсолютно бесплатно!
Получите заряд энергии и хорошего настроения в перерыве или после рабочего дня!

С радостью сообщаем Вам, 24 марта, в период с 20:30 до 21:30 ч. прошла глобальная международная акция - «Час Земли», в которой впервые принял участие бизнес-центр ARCUS III
В рамках акции отключат подсветку почти 2000 зданий Москвы. Так, к «Часу Земли» присоединятся храм Христа Спасителя, Большой театр, здания Госдумы и Совета Федерации, стадион «Лужники», павильоны ВДНХ, Останкинская телебашня, некоторые башни «Москва-Сити». Кроме того, отключат подсветку на мостах и объектах МЦК.
Напомним, российская столица присоединилась к международной акции в 2009 году.
Главные цели акции – привлечь внимание к проблемам окружающей среды и напомнить о необходимости разумного потребления электроэнергии и других ресурсов.

Очаровательные женщины!
Компания AB Development от всей души поздравляют Вас с 8 Марта!
Желает Вам встретить весну с улыбками, комплиментами и отличным настроением!
Любви, счастья в вашем доме, нежности, красоты, здоровья и достатка вам!
Пусть праздничное настроение и веселый настрой способствуют успешному ведению любых дел!